About Me

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LDN, United Kingdom
I am Shaz. It's hard work. But someone's gotta do it. I am a part time freak and full time retard. I also do some casual work as a skank and I volunteer as your mother. NICE TO MEET YOU! Welcome to the biggest rant factory in the history of the internet. I've got more apathy than the entire emo population of the world combined. Only kidding. I'm real nice

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

This is for my girlies.

We all have accquaintances. We have people who walk in and out of our lives. But then you get the people who come in and kick and scream. Now you either tell them to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out. Or you laugh at the sheer audacity of this person to do such a thing and welcome them with a tiny weeny bit of reluctance and hesitation and a smirk on your face. This could be the beginning of something beautiful. Or really fucking dirt. With a capital D. BOLD & underlined...

Much like that person you'll have the hots for. Like the real OH-MY-GOD-I-JUST-WANNA-TOUCH-YOU. And then you find out they support Man U. I joke. I joke.

Also I digress.

The friends you hold on to. The ones that stay. Have a nice cuppa. And settle down into your mundane life. They're the ones that are the best. And when we argue, for me they're the ones that make me swallow my pride. And you know what they say. To spit is to like, to love is to swallow. *wink wink nudge nudge*

My friends themselves are strong. And to be honest we're a bunch of complete pricks. But we're each others.

And there are hundreds of thousands of women wish they could be. Strong. Anyone can be pathetic and just hang in there, hoping shit will work itself out. It takes guts to stand up and speak out. Even if you feel like a prick. Like I usually do. But as you get older I guess you just don't give a fuck.

You my girls are like a diamonds, every cut will just make them sparkle a little bit more. The most beautiful diamonds take all those cuts, withstand those cuts and bear those cuts.

I love you ladies. That is all. Shaz over and out. x

What a bumder of a week.

Yes. I did just use that word. (This is dated from the 5th of April but clearly I haven't posted for some reason. A likely one being that I suck.)

Last week was simply one of those weeks that make you think WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THAT...?

I got asked if I'm pregnant
- and the week before that I had someone suggest to me that I need a gastric band...

I got mugged. My phone got stolen. Like right out of my hand. Just snatched. "Like taking candy from a baby..." not really I chased that little turd. Alas I did not catch him - which is probably fortunate for both of us as I would have torn him up. Seriously. Being the only girl in your family teaches you how to fight. Although I am yet to put my mad skills into use I am sure that they are indeed sufficient to kick ass. Or at least kick shins. REAL HARD.

I had the police giving me all this shit about insurance fraud... Tell me how I'm getting anything out of this claim when I have to pay a £50 excess. I was not impressed. A lot of people have negative things to say about the police. It's sad but true. And sadder still that it's probably a handful - okay a LARGE handful - of complete twats who don't want to do their job and make any process however simple, in this case filling out a form, SO FREAKIN' LONG.

On the upside thanks to someone particularly lovely I have been told that I was probably glowing that day.. Or he in his own words "must've looked very happy indeed, maybe she assumed it was good news...". This is nice.

Still want that little rat bag to suffer for the phone thing. Prick.