I've also managed to get myself into uni! HUZZAH. Yeah just when the entire world thought I was destined to be a waster, I've managed to get myself into a situation where I'll be a waster with a LOT of debt. Haha.
So good news all around. Now I just need to call up the DVLA and explain to them that I can't remember my government gateway password or ANY of the secret questions they've asked me. Major shiiiiite.
But not nearly as shite as the bastard Student Finance site. I mean this site asked me for a secret answer without giving me a secret question. Well. FUCK YOU VERY MUCH.
But despite all the thing I should be feeling happy for, I'm not allowed to. I've said it once and I'll say it again. ASIAN PARENTS. Trust in me when I say nothing you ever do will suffice. It's the biggest burden in the world. They way yours always complain about EVERYTHING you do. The way you sit, the way you talk, the way you dress, they way you breathe
Stages of a relationship = :) :D :P ;) <3 ;P xD :| :/ :S :( :'(
Just saw this. And well. IT REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS
Shut up fool. No one gives a shit about the guy or girl who hurt you so bad that you have to post or like or share endless shit like this. I'mma actually delete you now. I really need to. Seriously though, the more you post this kinda stuff, the more likely it is that whoever did such an atrocity such as cheating on you or even dumping you will laugh at your self pity. That's if they bloody well see it at all. So just please. For the love of God. Wallow alone. Please? Thankyou.
And I shall indeed carry on ranting.
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